Welcome to the website of St Nicholas Parish Church, Prestwick.
Our services begin at 11.00am each Sunday morning, and we warmly invite you to come along for worship and fellowship
The congregations of St Nicholas and Kingcase Parish churches (in deferred union) are seeking to call a full time Minister who shall be inducted in the first instance as Minister of St Nicholas Parish Church, and then on the demission of the Minister of Kingcase Parish Church, the union shall immediately be effective and the Minister will become Minister to the new united charge.
Further information on our vibrant churches is provided in our Joint Parish Profile.
If you feel God’s calling or perhaps you know some-one who would be
interested in rising to the challenge of taking us on this exciting
journey into new pastures, please contact us:
Informal enquiries are welcome to our Interim Moderator, Rev David
Gemmell DGemmell@churchofscotland.org.uk
Please submit applications including CV, a personal statement giving your reasons for applying and the gifts you believe you can bring to the congregation and the names of two referees with contact details (referees will only be contacted if the application is being taken further) to our Clerk to the Nominating Committee, Craig Provan craigprovan1@gmail.com
The Church Office is open for two mornings each week - Monday and Thursday from 10.00am to 12.00noon.
If you wish to contact the office, please go to the Contacts Page and fill in the contact form. We will respond as soon as possible.
The church services are recorded and made available on YouTube each Sunday afternoon.
Please click on the YouTube button below and then choose the service you wish to view.